Frequently asked questions

What is Neighbourhood Watch?

Neighbourhood Watch (NHW) is a community-based crime prevention program which aims to improve the quality of life within a neighbourhood by minimising preventable crime and promoting closer community ties.

How much does it cost to join LGV NHW?

It is free to join, we currently do not charge members.

Where can I get Neighbourhood Watch signs for my road?

You can message us directly and we can provide these to you for free.

How can I hear about upcoming community events?

Keep an eye out on our Facebook page and our LGV noticeboard at the entrance to the estate.

How are you funded?

We were originally self-funded by volunteers, but now we rely on grants and occasionally Just Giving campaigns for specific projects.

How can I hear about crime in my area?

Like and follow our Facebook community page to hear about LGV related crime and local and national campaigns.

When did LGV NHW begin?

It was started February 2020, the Watch began just before Covid-19 locked down the country, the community faced a number of challenges at the time, in the form of vehicle break-ins and attempted burglaries. The Watch with the help of social media platforms helped to bring the community together to increase awareness and reporting.

What area do you cover?

We started in 2020 covering a few roads in Ladden Garden Village, and we now have a reach of approximately 2,000 homes, the whole of the estate. We also work collaboratively with Autumn Brook NHW.

What does LGV NHW do?

We have quarterly safety meetings with; local police, councillors, residents and housing association representatives. We also share information about LGV specific crime and roll out campaigns to combat increasing trends i.e. speeding, bike thefts etc. In addition we also provide NHW stickers, guidance and street signs to residents. Finally we work with the LGV Community Group to help put on and organise free community events for residents.